Articles by Helen McAree

INSPIRE Cycle Challenge

Added Tuesday 21st June 2016 by Helen McAree

英国ダラムからドイツのリューデンシャイドまで650マイル(約1046km)を48時間で走破!そんなチャリティーイベントが行われています。 Durham, UK to Ludenscheid, Germany – 650 miles in 48 hours Our students are currently taking part in a charity cycle challenge – cycling 650 miles from Durham to Ludenscheid on our exercise bike based at LHCC. Th…

Our Students First Month in the UK

Added Wednesday 11th May 2016 by Helen McAree

4月からの新留学生23名が、無事イギリスに到着いたしました。最初の1ヶ月の様子をお知らせします。 Our 23 new students arrived in the UK one month ago. In the past few weeks they have already experienced many aspects of life here, as well as getting to grips with English classes. As they arrived in the UK, we spent our first few days in beautif…