Blog: Purple Radio

Added Monday 26th November 2018 by ()

帝京大学ダラムキャンパスの学生たちが、ダラム大学のパープル・ラジオで番組を放送しています。その名も「Teikyo Time」。放送前はとても緊張する学生たちですが、ダラム大生と一緒に英語でイギリスでの生活を語り合うなど、大変貴重な経験をします。皆さんも以下のリンクから是非聴いてみてください。放送は火曜日の6-7pm(日本時間の水曜3-4am)です。

Our students are back presenting their own show on Durham’s Purple Radio. So far, six students have hosted ‘Teikyo Time’ which airs every Tuesday between 6-7pm.  Although they are often nervous in the lead up to the show, students relish the unique experience. It’s an opportunity for them to practise their English and work with Durham University students, reflecting on their time in the UK and talking about experiences such as the European Field Trip.

I would encourage everyone to tune in and support our students here at Teikyo University of Japan in Durham. You can send messages to the studio while they are live on air; the next show is on Tuesday at 6pm,

Added Monday 26th November 2018