Blog: Foodbank

Staff Blog

Added Friday 1st June 2018 by ()


Durham Foodbank is a local charity that works hard to ensure that no-one in County Durham goes hungry. It is a huge project (feeding over 16,000 people every year!) and for many years Teikyo University students have assisted the foodbank as volunteers, as part of our ongoing Work Experience programme.

Currently, our students Ryubi and Hidenari help at the Foodbank on Thursday mornings by arranging items by type and expiry date, so they can be easily packaged and given to those in need.

After a Guest Lecture at Teikyo University last week by Stuart Hudson (the Foodbank manager) explaining the importance of the Foodbank, Teikyo students have come together to collect much-needed food to donate to the Foodbank. Hidenari and Ryubi have said that the Foodbank is a very great thing, and that the food will be put to good use helping poor and homeless people.

Added Friday 1st June 2018