Blog: Purple Radio

Staff Blog

Added Monday 27th November 2017 by ()

帝京大ダラムキャンパスの学生による「Teikyo Time」が戻ってきました!ダラム大のラジオ放送局であるPurple Radioで火曜日の夜7-8時(日本時間午前4-5時)に放送されます。日本文化やイギリス生活の実体験、好きな音楽などを楽しく放送しています。是非、 から放送を聴いてみてください。

We’re back on the air, bringing you discussions on Japanese culture, student reflections on their positive experiences in the UK and some great music! Teikyo Time has been running from 7-8pm on a Tuesday night and has given our students’ the chance to gain a unique and memorable experience to look back upon. Whilst the presenters are often anxious before going on air, their emotions soon change when they become immersed in the environment and gain confidence in their English communication skills! For some informative discussions on Japanese culture and to hear what our students admire about the UK, tune in at on Tuesday at 7pm for the next show!

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Added Monday 27th November 2017