Blog: Photography Competition

Added Wednesday 9th November 2016 by ()

帝京祭では、学生たちが撮った写真のコンテストが行われました。全部で53点の応募があり、帝京祭に訪れたゲストの方に投票をお願いした結果、上位3位が選ばれました。3位:ダラム大聖堂での入学式の写真(by Sho)、2位:アイスクリームを受け取ったNanahoの写真(by Kaede)、1位:ウィットビー港の写真(by Kaede)です。入賞作品はグリーティングカードとして印刷されます。おめでとうございます!投票いただいたゲストの皆様、ご協力ありがとうございました。


/images/Jack-blog-items/Photography Competition/Photo comp.jpg/images/Jack-blog-items/Photography Competition/Sho 2 Cathedral.JPG

One of the many elements of this year’s Teikyo Festival was the photography competition. In the weeks leading up to the festival, each Teikyo student could submit their best images from their time in the UK. 53 photos were displayed at the festival and guests were asked to vote for their favourites.

In third place, with 6 votes, was a picture of the Matriculation ceremony in Durham Cathedral by Sho. In second place (and much to our amusement) was Kaede’s photo of Nanaho receiving an ice cream. And finally, in first place, was a photo of Whitby harbour by Kaede.

Some of the best photos will be made into thank-you cards for use by the staff and students of Teikyo University. Congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to all those who voted during the festival!

/images/Jack-blog-items/Photography Competition/Kaede 1 Nanaho.JPG/images/Jack-blog-items/Photography Competition/Kaede 2 Whitby.jpg




Added Wednesday 9th November 2016